How-to: Merge Penultimate notes

Background Penultimate is one of Evernote’s suite of apps for note taking. Penultimate allows iPad users (it’s only available on iOS) to jot down notes and sync them to Evernote. The app works pretty well and includes a few things that I really like, for example: Auto scrolling zoom: This is super helpful because it allows you to write more condensed notes that are still legible. Automatic syncing across devices: Since it syncs to Evernote, it will sync to any device on which the app installed. Cut and paste of written text: This is super helpful for when you want

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Jenkins – Pipelines 1

Congratulation, by now, you should have a fully working Jenkins installation, if not, please see this post. With that in mind, this post will focus on setting up our very first pipeline. In this example, we’ll setup a bare bones pipeline which we will integrate with GitLab and Heroku. For those wondering why I chose GitLab and Heroku, the answer is simple, they provide a free-tier (until recently, GitHub’s free option did not allow for private repos) of their services. With this free tier, you can actually mimic a light-weight production environment (minus the scale). Reminder, my goal in these

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Jenkins – Initial Setup

These days, there is plenty of information on the internet to help you do anything you wish. However, that can sometimes prove to be an issue. In these posts, there will be a few as Jenkins is a large topic, I intend to distill the work I have done to setup a working CI/CD pipeline from scratch. Jenkins is a long-trusted automation tool. With it, you can automate your entire pipeline. With Jenkins setup, you can setup a conceptual pipeline for your teams code, from push to branch –> basic testing –> merge to master –> build and packaging –>

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